Lo store ‘The Space' of the group Prada is located at Montevarchi, production area of clothing and shoes of the famous brand and not far from The Mall, where you can buy clothing, sunglasses and accessories, shoes and other various things. In addition to the products 'Prada' and always within 'The SpaceThere are also many products of other well-known clothing brands that are part of the same group such as Miu Miu, Car Shoe, Helmut Lang.
Ncc Firenze offers car service for Shopping Tour with 3 different timetables:
- 4 hour service starting and ending at the point of accommodation (Hotel or apartment in Florence or other place if necessary), 9-13/14-18.
- 6 hours service with start and end at the point of accommodation (Hotel or apartment in Florence or other place if necessary), 9-15/12-18.
- 8 hours service starting and ending at the point of accommodation (Hotel or apartment in Florence or other place if necessary), 9-17/10-18.
For your personalized shopping, we'll arrange the transportation... and all that will be left for you to do is resist temptation!